Tuesday, September 14, 2010

TWD: Cranberry Upside-Downer

I know it's been awhile. Once again I forgot my password to sign into the blog. Once again I've been busy. I tried to join in a few recipes last month. I even bought ingredients. But the summer just got away from me.

I was excited about this pick, by Sabrina of Superfluous, but I could not find any cranberries. Cherries seemed like an excellent idea. Everything was coming together beautifully, though I did worry about not having 8 inch pans. I went with 9 inch, and tossed a little extra into the bottom of the pan.

Everything smelled great, and flipping the cake went well (nothing stuck to the bottom). Sadly the cake doesn't look very pretty.

I'll let it cool a bit more to see how it tastes. No biggie - it's all a learning experience. And with any luck it will be tasty and I can keep it all to myself.

Sorry so short this week. Will do better going forward!